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Weekly Rotary Meeting / Joodi Archer, Matthew 25 Ministries

January 24, 2024 @ 11:45 am - 1:00 pm

Please join us as we hear from Joodi Archer from Matthew 25 Ministries. The mission of Matthew 25: Ministries is to fulfill Matthew 25:34-40 of the New Testament by providing nutritional food to the hungry, clean water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, affordable shelter to the homeless, medical care to the ill, and humanitarian supplies to those in need. Additionally, Matthew 25: Ministries is committed to fulfilling Matthew 25:40 by educating the public on the conditions and needs of the “least of these” and by providing resources for action.

Joodi manages special programs that fall outside general humanitarian aid and disaster relief and serves as a relationship liaison with the general public. She is also part of the publishing, event, development and marketing teams. You can learn more about Matthew 25 Ministries here: https://m25m.org/





January 24, 2024
11:45 am - 1:00 pm


Ivy Hills Country Club
7711 Ivy Hills Blvd
Cincinnati, OH 45244 United States
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