Weekly Rotary Meeting / Whitney Rosen, Woodstream Wellness.

Ivy Hills Country Club 7711 Ivy Hills Blvd, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Please join us as we hear from Whitney Rosen from Woodstream Wellness. The WSW Team includes board certified specialists committed to treating, inspiring, empowering, nurturing, and supporting the human spirit. The office is proud to offer both prescribers for medication management and therapists for psychotherapy. WSW is devoted to not only upholding, but surpassing standards […]

Weekly Rotary Meeting / Bob Pautke, Connect Clermont

Ivy Hills Country Club 7711 Ivy Hills Blvd, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Rotarians, Please join us this Wednesday at Ivy Hills at 11:45am as we welcome our very own Bob Pautke! Bob will explain how Connect Clermont has been the catalyst in forming the “Clermont Content Creators Collaborative” in collaboration with UC Clermont College, and partnership with the nine public school districts and two career tech centers […]

Weekly Rotary Meeting / Jeremy Powers

Please join us as we hear from current Rotary Member: Jeremy Powers as he introduces his new business venture. Jeremy is the Principal Advisor and Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) with Winding Staircase. Originally founded in 2010 as a marketing strategy consulting firm, Winding Staircase has evolved into a Value Acceleration Advisory firm, with a […]